Monday, May 4, 2009


Welcome to Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better's online adoption drive.

Please call 019-3576477, 017-2081844, 019-320 3875, 012-3910199 or 017-3175732 for inquiries.

Those interested in giving these beauties a home can also write to

Mr Bling - Two-month-old Mr Bling is a runt and is half the size of his siblings. He is fun loving and loves to run around his foster home.
Mia - Two-and-a-half month old girl. Very manja and cute.

Nine Princesses from Seremban - 2 months old
KIKI - beautiful and friendly, Kiki is shortlegged and long-bodfied. Will grow into a medium sized dog. Five months old.

From left - Peter, Mike and Nina - Peter and Mike are a little bit garang and will make good guard dogs whilst Nina is sweet and loving. All pups about four months old

Five Sisters From Sendayan - One and a half months old.

Farrow - Two and a half month old male

Ebony and Noir - male and female - one and a half month

Lila - one and a half month old female.


Unknown said...

9 princesses in a row..LOL..they r all so cute and it must really be a feat trying 2get them all to stay still just for that one special pic.

the WEED said...

I honestly think that you guys should test their compatibility with young children or adults.

Using the fake hand to see if they growl or attack it when it touches their food etc is also a test.

Being garang is not good. Being garang and then not garang when commanded is. We do not want them ending back up in the pound for being aggressive.

Su-Yee said...

i hope Patch aka Lila gets a awesome adopter. we miss her alot.she is a really good gurl and love to smile. too bad we cant keep her.

we rescue her from a drain and had her for 1 day before sending her to PIC from malaysia dogs deserve better. we actually name her patch:)even though for this short period we are with her, she made it memorable for us:)

The Mrs Blogs said...

Gosh Mr Bling is SO adorable, hope he finds a home soon :)

Pat said...

They're all sooooo adorable!!!

I have two doggies now: one's a rescued English Bulldog, who's 8. She's old and tired now, but she'll live out her days with us.

The other is Toffee who's also eight, given to me by a friend. This is my baby.

There was a time I had six! Too much for one lil' ol' me! But when I feel I'm ready for more, I'll remember this site :)

I hope all these angels find good homes.