Mr Bling - Two-month-old Mr Bling is a runt and is half the size of his siblings. He is fun loving and loves to run around his foster home.
Mia - Two-and-a-half month old girl. Very manja and cute.
Nine Princesses from Seremban - 2 months old
KIKI -beautiful and friendly, Kiki is shortlegged and long-bodfied. Will grow into a medium sized dog. Five months old.
From left - Peter, Mike and Nina - Peter and Mike are a little bit garang and will make good guard dogs whilst Nina is sweet and loving. All pups about four months old
Five Sisters From Sendayan -One and a half months old.
Farrow - Two and a half month old male
Ebony and Noir - male and female - one and a half month
I am a nice doggie who lives in Klang with my mummy Lily and sister Shalini Kiki-Mae as well as my human companions. I am also the official representative for the Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better project which is a canine welfare initiative spearheaded by non-profit outfit Community Developement and Integration Initiative (CDII). I enjoy my job but wish I could participate in protests and rescue missions as well. However, my human tells me that I best stay back and manage this blog. Sigh!